Health & Safety Policy Statement – Tīra NZ & Australia
This policy applies to the following Business Units:
Tira NDA
- Site Services (Hamilton, Hawera, Timaru)
- Hamilton
- Dandenong
Tira Crown
- Stainless Systems
- Riverlands
- Cloudy Bay
- Invercargill
As an Employer in both NZ and Australia we are committed to taking all reasonably practicable steps to provide a healthy and safe work environment for all Workers (employees, contractors, sub-contractors & visitors).
Our management and leaders are responsible for our Safety Management System (SMS) and positive safety behaviours & compliance with safety processes and obligations throughout the business at all levels. We will measure our improvements through setting measurable objectives and targets aimed at the reduction of risk and the elimination of work related injuries and illnesses.
We commit to continuous improvement through all facets of our SMS. To achieve this, The Employer will commit & provide the necessary time, energy and resources to:
- Proactively work to eliminate risks through operational risk identification practices & processes and removing or controlling risks which have the potential to cause harm to its employees, visitors and contractors (workers);
- a. If it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks to health and safety, to minimise those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.
- Encouraging worker consultation and participation in all health and safety matters;
- Ensuring that all workers are made aware of the risks in their work areas and the appropriate controls.
- Involve & share information with H&S Committees to enable effective engagement & participation in lifting H&S standards in their workplaces, including risk register reviews, risk assessments & development of SOPs;
- Provide information, training & supervision to employees on safety & supporting systems including providing & training staff in the safe use, maintenance & storage of PPE;
- Develop and implement emergency and evacuation procedures;
- Enable systems to provide information to Managers to be able to exercise their due diligence responsibilities.
- Comply with all relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practices and safe operating procedures and ensure such information is shared with employees;
- Provide and maintain safe plant and systems of work;
- Provide, monitor and maintain systems for the safe use, handling, storage and transportation of plant and substances;
- Ensure open & accurate reporting of injuries, injury management, near miss and hazards/risk to prevent future similar incidents & return people to meaningful work as part of our rehabilitation policy;
- Investigating all reported incidents and injuries to identify all contributing factors and where appropriate, formulating plans for corrective action;
- Audit H&S Systems to ensure effectiveness & provide feedback & improvement ideas back to Managers;
- Ensure timely & relevant information is made available & provided to the Board.
Employees and other persons at the workplace must take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety. Also take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons and comply, as far as he or she is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by the person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) or Officer to allow them to comply with the Health Safety at Work Act 2015 and the Health Safety at Work Regulations 2016.
This policy is a demonstration of our commitment of the continued H&S improvement for our Officers, Workers and other persons at the workplace through the achievement of our H&S Objectives and Targets. We review this annually to take into account performance, compliance, legislation and our changing business.
Clint Brown
NDA NZ Chief Executive Officer
Melinda Deller